Realtors and Title Companies

Realtors & Title Companies
In an effort to make it easy to work with the Pawnee Ridge HOA, this page has all of the information necessary for local real estate agents and title companies to understand the current fees, get access to meeting minutes and financials, and any governing documents.
We communicate with our members on a regular basis, and post all meeting minutes for review immediately after each meeting.  It is your responsibility to know and understand the fees in your communication with your clients.  We will do all we can to ensure every current members knows, or has access to all current data related to fees and regulations.  If you have questions, please reach out to any Board Member for assistance.
You may access HOA Documents HERE.  These include governing documents, meeting minutes, & financials.  These are NOT public documents.  They are being provided to you as trusted businesses in and around the community for your convenience.  It is your responsibility treat them and your access to them as private and confidential.  They may be provided to prospective buyers in the late stages of the purchase process to help them make sure they can comply with our policies.


In the 2020 February annual meeting, the members were provided with documentation that shows the costs we are currently incurring now and the effect of our revenues long term.  It was voted on in that meeting to have every new member of the HOA pay a fee of $50/month, up from the standard $12/month that was in place for years.  Those fees are active beginning on July 1, 2020, based on the sale date of the county assessor’s records.  The vote to make that change was unanimous.   
This will result in a gradual increase in revenue for the HOA of a few thousand per year, which would get the HOA back to the margins previously realized.  The goal is to continue to build up reserves to ensure that in the event of any major repairs, we could cover the costs out of the general funds of the HOA, and not be forced to go back to each member for a significant amount to make up any gaps.
These rates had not been changed for many years, and even with the change are very much on the low end of fees of most HOA's.
The HOA also in their February 2021 meeting passed a transfer fee assessment of $500 per new homeowner in the HOA.  This fee does NOT apply to refinance, estates or other in family transfer.  It only applies to the sale of a home to new owners within the HOA.  
Current homes have their monthly HOA assessment fee placed on their water bills and the city reimburses us for those fees each quarter.
*Title companies are being asked to collect this $500 assessment fee during the closing process and send a check to the HOA.
Current fees:
Purchased on or before June 30, 2020: $12/month
Purchased on or after July 1, 2020: $50/month
Purchased on or before June 30, 2021: $0 transfer fee
Purchased on or after July 1, 2021: $500 transfer fee.

How are fees collected?

Fees for the HOA appear on the water bill for all but one residence in the HOA.  That property is billed annually on a separate invoice by the HOA.

Does the HOA carry insurance?

The Pawnee Ridge HOA is covered by PFS Insurance Group, 201 S 3rd St.  Sterling, CO 80751.  970-522-8888

Pawnee Ridge HOA Use of Funds

Our primary expenses are:
Waterline repair:  The current infrastructure is 40+ years old, and each year, one or two repairs are necessary to stop leakages and maintain the lines.  Each of those repairs cost approximately $4,000-$5,000, because it’s necessary to dig, often into the street to fix the leaks.  Major waterline repair, i.e., covering a block, would cost approximately  $80K – $125K.
DeWatering:  In the years past, we had approximately 30% of the homes in the HOA that had water levels rising under their homes that either sump pumps needed to be running every 10-15 minutes, or more frequently, and some homes had considerable expense in mitigation efforts to prevent damage to their foundations.  In 2018, work was finalized that implemented a multi pump system that pulled off the excess water from the water table, and routed it away for proper drainage.  Funds were provided by a grant from the state.
That pump system, has two large pumps that sit on two properties within the HOA.  Those two properties submit separate bills to the HOA for the cost of those pumps.  There are also pump maintenance fees that arise.
Park:  The Park in Pawnee Ridge is the sole responsibility of the HOA for maintenance and improvements.  Annually there are expenses that range from $200-$1200 for maintenance such as tree trimming, mower maintenance, miscellaneous tools and weed mitigation materials.  In 2019, at the Annual February meeting, votes approved unanimously to approved funds for new basketball hoops and backboards that were commercial grade to prevent damage, new blacktop for the basketball court, and new safety gravel and playground equipment for the park.  These totaled a little over $33K, but were a much needed expense because the old playground was moved here when the Drive In shut down.  In 2020, expenses were approved to sand blast and repaint the merry-go-round, the only remaining playground component from the Drive in.  That cost was just around $3500, but it too is now maintenance free.  Logan county also donated a children’s playground worth approximately $11K that they were unable to use.

How often are member meetings?

The HOA holds two meetings each year.  Our Annual Meeting is typically held on the first Monday of February each year.  Our Summer Picnic is held normally toward the middle of August each year.  Members are notified by traditional mail, email and website notification of each event.  All members are welcome, and time is always allotted for any comments, suggestions and ideas from our members.

Are there pet restrictions?

The HOA does limit pets to be dogs, cats or other home-bound animals (we don't care if you have fish, hamsters, snakes) just keep them inside.  Chickens, horses, cows, goats or other traditional farm animals are not allowed.

Assessment Status Letters

While we want to help in any way we can with the complex process of closing, please understand that each home's HOA fees are assessed on the monthly water bill, and are current virtually every time.  There are currently no processes in place that would place lein's on properties.
One property that is different is 18187 Willow Drive.  This home has a self contained well, so they are billed by the HOA directly for any fees.  All others are paid to us by the city each quarter.
We would prefer to not fill out individual documents.  We are volunteers, and as little overhead we have for those kind of requests, the better.
Inquiries can be sent HERE, and we will provide a response as quickly as possible.

Can I put up holiday decorations?

Yes, we encourage you to!

Can I participate on the HOA Board?

Occasionally there are openings on the HOA Board.  We will notify the members of those openings, and if more than one person volunteers, we will ask for a vote of the members, or if one person volunteers, the Board will place that person with a vote for approval at the next regular member meeting.  If you are interested in serving when an opening comes available, please notify us at

Homes for Sale

If you have a home listing, please notify us, so we can mark it as such.  We have a page listed with each home in the HOA, and a direct link to their Zillow record, so when a home appears on Zillow, it will automatically be back linked to this site to help draw attention to the home.
We will not accommodate links to your individual website.

Notification of new owners

Because we want to make each new home owner in the HOA feel welcome, please notify us when a residence has been purchased.  This will help us communicate with the new home owners, provide them with website access and be able to answer any questions they might have.

Business Directory

We invite you to add yourself to the Business Directory of our website.  This allows you to highlight what is unique and special about your services, and provides SEO and Backlinks to your website.
If there is other content you as the real estate professionals believe might be helpful or useful for you or your clients, please let us know.  We want to make this as useful and informative as possible.