Our Park

Pawnee Ridge HOA Park
In 2019, the PRHOA invested nearly $40K into the modernization of our community playground and park.  This included adding new safety gravel, new equipment for the playground, benches, a new resurface of the basketball court and new backboards and breakaway hoops.
While this park is open to the public, it's very secluded and a great place to hide away with the kids, gather the family for a picnic or enjoy some basketball.

Room to Roam

The Park at Pawnee Ridge HOA provides a great area for families to spend some quality time in a well maintained and fun setting.  From a covered picnic area, playground with modern equipment, refurbished basketball court and lots of room to run, the park is a popular place for families in the HOA to get away, without going too far away.


Our Merry-go-round is an original from the old drive in here in Sterling.  In 2020, we had it completely sandblasted and repainted to preserve this kids favorite park item.  It's just as fun as you remember.


The Pavilion is a great gathering place for a family picnic, quiet get away or just some shade as the kids enjoy the park.   There are multiple picnic tables that can accommodate 40+ individuals.  The HOA uses this area for our annual summer picnic/business meeting where food and drinks are brought in by the members to share and socialize old members and new ones alike!